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Ogee Signature

How It Works

Personalized Shade Matching
Answer a few questions (2 minutes or less) to find the best makeup shades for you.

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Love it or return it! Try your products risk-free with our 30-day guarantee.

Free US Shipping on Orders $75+
Enjoy FREE Standard Shipping at checkout when you spend $75 or more.

How It Works

Personalized Shade Matching
Answer a few questions (2 minutes or less) to find the best makeup shades for you.

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Love it or return it! Try your products risk-free with our 30-day guarantee.

Free US Shipping On Orders $75+
Enjoy FREE Standard Shipping at checkout when you spend $75 or more.

"If you have any concerns with selecting the best shade Complexion Stick or Contour Collection, you need to take Ogee’s quiz. It matched me perfectly."

⎯ Virginia W. | Verified Buyer ✓

"I completed the quiz to find my best shade and the color match was spot on. I really like the coverage too - wow!"

⎯ Sara S. | Verified Buyer ✓

"I was hesitant with the shade this quiz chose for me, but ordered anyway. I was shocked when I first applied and blended it... The shade (Aspen) matches my skin so perfectly, I couldn’t even tell if I missed applying it anywhere."

⎯ Regina N. | Verified Buyer ✓

"If you have any concerns with selecting the best shade Complexion Stick or Contour Collection, you need to take Ogee’s quiz. It matched me perfectly."

⎯ Virginia W. | Verified Buyer ✓

"I completed the quiz to find my best shade and the color match was spot on. I really like the coverage too - wow!"

⎯ Sara S. | Verified Buyer ✓

"I was hesitant with my match, but ordered anyway. I was shocked when I first applied it... The shade (Aspen) matches my skin so perfectly, I couldn’t even tell if I missed applying it anywhere."

⎯ Regina N. | Verified Buyer ✓