NP Executive Editor Stephanie Yaggy Lavery Shares Her Self-Care Favorites

We are in the midst of unprecedented times. Yet as I write this, we’re slowly beginning to see signs of life emerge, with salons in certain states being allowed to reopen. Still, for many it will be some time before we return to life as we once knew it. As a result, I believe it’s invaluable for all of us to practice much-needed self-care. These trying times bring about economic strain and emotional unrest, and so we must adopt the small things that can bring joy in big ways. Maybe it’s a bright bottle of nail color or practicing new art techniques that you hadn’t tried before. Or maybe it’s walk in the sunshine followed by a soothing bubble bath. However and through whatever means you can discover self-care, I urge you to do it. Coming out of this pandemic is not only reliant on a healthy physical state, but an emotional one as well.
The Sculpted Lip Oil is favorite amongst fans of the luxury organic skincare brand. Now, Ogee announces a CBD version with a blend of jojoba oil and full-spectrum CBD sourced from a 100-percent organic Vermont farm. I apply it every night before bed for its calming effects while it softens my lips.